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The impact of AltaClaro's training is
strategic and measurable

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ROI Cover

Client research identified six benefits of AltaClaro training across three key business objectives:

  • Reduce Cost & Effort of Training
  • Improve Associate Efficiency & Utilization
  • Increase Associate Retention

 Path to Increasing Performance and Productivity

With AltaClaro:

  • Firms reaped an average ROI of >300% - versus their prior approach.
  • Firms were able to measure returns across practice group productivity, work product quality, and retention rates.
  • Firms consistently measured recovery on the costs of AltaClaro training in < 3 months.

How it Works

Backed by education science, our 3-step experiential learning framework improves retention by over 80% over typical online courses. 

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1. Dynamic Video Modules

Watch and learn at a personalized pace, absorbing lessons in short, easily digested segments, led by experienced practitioners.


2. Simulated Assignments

Apply lessons immediately to solve real world client scenarios, using documents derived from actual client matters.

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3. Live Review Sessions

Deepen learning in virtual review sessions with an experienced practitioner. Review the model answer and ask questions. 

Access the same training programs used by the world's leading law firms and universities. 

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AltaClaro has helped our associates use their time better. A first year identified a bunch of issues in an NDA that they normally wouldn’t have known about without AltaClaro.

AmLaw 100 Partner & Practice Group Leader

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AltaClaro has given me confidence the documents are better than they would have been. He was catching more advanced things. I barely had to change a word! It made a big difference for me. I know I’d have to pay close attention to it because she is so new, but she was able to issue spot everything I would hope she would catch.

AmLaw 100 Partner, IP/Tech Transactions​

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Having completed Corporate Transactions, associates have a higher-level material understanding as a starting point. They get to good work faster.

AmLaw 200 Corporate Firm Service Transformation Director​

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AltaClaro has figured out how to deliver something very close to on-the-job training in a group setting with hands-on learning.  AltaClaro just puts associates further along the path.

AmLaw 100 Partner, Corporate Firm Service Transformation Director

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The program feedback is excellent so it’s clear we are meeting associate’s demand for training; A benefit is that associates received training they would not have otherwise received and our associates feel heard.

AmLaw 50 Director of Professional Development

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I developed practical legal skills that went far beyond the legal training provided in law school. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to work on corporate transaction assignments that were similar to what a law firm would experience. 

AmLaw 50 Partner, Corporate Practice Group Leader